
2013 CHAViC Summer Seminar

Domestic Impressions: the Visual and Material Culture of the American Family Home, 1750-1890

July 7-12, 2013

Sunday, July 7

4:00-6:00Welcome and Introductions, Antiquarian Hall, 185 Salisbury Street (AH)
6:00Dinner at the Goddard Daniels House, 190 Salisbury Street (GDH)


Monday, July 8


Orienting the Week—The Home in Cultural Context (GDH)
Katherine C. Grier (Professor of History, Director of Museum Studies at the University of Delaware, and CHAViC seminar leader)
Both Beecher and Child are available as free pdf downloads from Google Books. These are the editions from which the reading assignment comes.

  • Beecher, Catherine and Stowe, Harriet Beecher, The American Woman’s Home
    Read the following: Introduction; I. The Christian Family; II. A Christian House; IV. Interior Decoration; XIII. Good Cooking; XV. Domestic Manners; XVI. Good Temper in the Housekeeper; XVII. Habits of System and Order; XXX. The Care of Rooms. Also, be attentive to the frontispiece and illustrations.
  • Child, Lydia Maria, The Frugal Housewife 27th ed. New York: Samuel and William Wood, 1841. “Enlarged and Corrected by the Author.”
    Read the following: Introductory Chapter pp 3-11; Odd Scraps for the Economical pp. 8-22; Hints to Persons of Moderate Means pp. 89-113.


10:30-10:50Coffee/Tea Break
10:50-12:15Continue in-class exercise
12:15-1:15Lunch (GDH)
1:30-3:00Ephemera and the Home: Examples from the Collection (AH)
Lauren Hewes (Curator of Graphic Arts) and Nan Wolverton (Director, CHAViC)
3:15-3:45Introduction to AAS Online Resources and the Reading Room; Meet the Curators
Thomas Knoles, Vincent Golden, Lauren Hewes, Elizabeth Pope, and Laura Wasowicz (Orientation Room, AH)
3:45-5:00Research in the Library


Tuesday, July 9

Field trip to Old Sturbridge Village, Sturbridge, MA

9:00-9:15Group photo (GDH)

Doors onto Childhood (GDH)
Karen Sanchez-Eppler, Professor of American Studies and English at Amherst College

  • Sanchez-Eppler, Karen, “In the Archives of Childhood” in The Children's Family: Childhood Studies and the New Humanities, edited by Anne Mae Duane, University of Georgia Press, May 2013.
10:15-10:30Coffee/Tea Break
10:30-11:30Children’s Literature and Images of Domestic Life (AH)
Laura Wasowicz (Curator of Children’s Literature)
11:30Lunch (GDH)
12:30Vehicles depart for field trip to Old Sturbridge Village, Sturbridge, MA
1:15Arrive OSV

Tours of Small House, Bixby House, and Towne House

  • Bushman, Richard, “The Comforts of Home” in The Refinement of America: Persons, Houses, Cities. New York: Knopf, 1992.
  • Stachiw, Myron, “The Color of Change: A Nineteenth –Century Massachusetts House” in Paint in America. Washington, D.C.: The Preservation Press, 1994.
3:30-7:00Hands-on 19th-century dinner at Old Sturbridge Village


Wednesday, July 10


Social Looking: Parlor Culture and Prints (AH)
Katherine C. Grier

  • Grier, Katherine, “The Comfortable Theater: Parlor Making in the Middle-Class Victorian Household” in Culture & Comfort: People, Parlors, and Upholstery. Rochester: The Strong Museum, 1988.
10:30-10:45Coffee/Tea Break

Photography and the American Home—Technology and Processes (AH)
Lauren Hewes

  • Carter, Sarah Anne, “Picturing Rooms: Interior Photography 1870-1900”
2:00-3:00Introduction to Ward Family Papers (AH)
Tom Knoles and Holly Izard
3:00-8:00Research in Library


Thursday, July 11

Field trip to General Aretmas Ward House, Shrewsbury, MA

9:00Vehicles depart for Ward House
9:30-10:30Tour of house and barn
Paula Lupton, Curator
10:30-10:45Coffee/Tea Break

Narrative and Display at the Aretmas Ward House
Sarah Anne Carter (Curator, Chipstone Foundation and Lecturer in Art History at the University of Wisconsin-Madison)

  • Carter, Sarah Anne, “Reinstalling Mrs. Ward’s Corner Cupboard: Narrative and Display in a Colonial Revival House Museum”
  • Spend some time exploring this website before we visit the Ward House.

The Native Americans Presence at the Artemas Ward House
Judy Kertesz (Assistant Professor of History at North Carolina State University)

  • Ulrich, Laurel Thatcher. “'An Indian Basket” in The Age of Homespun. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2001
  • Wolverton, Nan. “'A Precarious Living': Basket Making and Related Crafts Among New England Indians”

-Optional Supplemental Reading-

  • Ulrich, Laurel Thatcher. Excerpt from “A Bed Rug and a Silk Embroidery'” in The Age of Homespun. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2001

Historic House Museums as Resources for Teaching and Scholarship
Katherine C. Grier, Sarah Anne Carter, Judy Kertesz

Schlereth, Thomas J., “Historic Houses as Teaching Laboratories: Seven Teaching Strategies”

3:30Vehicles depart for return to AAS
4:00-5:00Research in Library
5:30Cookout on the Goddard-Daniels patio


Friday, July 12


At Home with Animals: Pets in Print and Material Culture (GDH)
Katherine C. Grier

  • Katherine C. Grier, Pets in America: A History. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2006. Chapter 1, A Natural History of Pets and Chapter 2: At Home with Animals.
10:15-10:30Coffee/Tea Break
10:30-11:45Chromolithographs and other prints as teaching resources (AH)
12:00-1:00Lunch (GDH)
1:00-2:00Using Visual and Material Culture for Scholarship and Teaching: Discussion and Concluding Comments (GDH)
Katherine C. Grier and Nan Wolverton
2:00-5:00Departure or Research in Library