Watch Past Programs & Events

Many AAS public programs presented over the past decade are available via YouTube. Select the title for any program listed as having video and the YouTube link will be accessible on that page.


Event Title Date Sort ascending Video
Wheatley at 250: Black Women Poets Re-Imagine the Verse of Phillis Wheatley Peters 6/18/2024 Yes
Disability Histories in the Visual Archive: Redress, Protest, and Justice 6/09/2024
No Longer Yours: The Lives of John Swanson Jacobs 6/05/2024 Yes
Bookstores, Collectors, and the Rare Book Trade in Historical Perspective 5/30/2024 Yes
Citizens of A Stolen Land: A Ho-Chunk History of the Nineteenth-Century United States 5/21/2024 Yes
Natural Magic: Emily Dickinson, Charles Darwin, and the Dawn of Modern Science 5/09/2024 Yes
How to Put Away Childish Things: Children’s Cultural Production and the Hermeneutics of Care 5/02/2024 Yes
Historic Children's Voices Symposium 5/02/2024 Yes
Going Underground: Race, Space, and the Subterranean in the Nineteenth-Century United States 4/25/2024 Yes
Freeman's Challenge: The Murder that Shook America's Original Prison for Profit 4/16/2024 Yes
American Burial Ground: A New History of the Overland Trail 4/11/2024 Yes
The Haitian Revolution in the Early Republic of Letters 3/28/2024 Yes
The Rise and Fall of the Second American Republic: Reconstruction, 1860-1920 3/26/2024 Yes
Strong Passions: A Scandalous Divorce in Old New York 3/21/2024 Yes
Pockets: An Intimate History of How We Keep Things Close 3/14/2024 Yes
Consistent Democracy 3/05/2024 Yes
The Many Resurrections of Henry Box Brown 2/29/2024 Yes
The Opening of the Protestant Mind 2/20/2024 Yes
Brooding over Bloody Revenge 2/08/2024 Yes
On the Edge: A Live Performance by the Worcester Chamber Music Society 2/01/2024