Watch Past Programs & Events

Many AAS public programs presented over the past decade are available via YouTube. Select the title for any program listed as having video and the YouTube link will be accessible on that page.


Event Title Date Sort ascending Video
The Naval Battle That Won the American Revolution 11/13/2018 Yes
Reflections on Gender and Politics in Anglo-America; or, an Intellectual Journey Encompassing Four Decades and Four Books 10/25/2018
Early American Transgender Studies 9/01/2018
Holding These Truths: A Panel Discussion about the Declaration of Independence 6/01/2018
‘Slices of Time Past’: Choral Music from Eighteenth-Century America 5/15/2018 Yes
Antiquarian America: Isaiah Thomas and the Ends of History 5/01/2018 Yes
The Medical Imagination in the Early United States 4/25/2018
The Men Who Lost America 4/10/2018 Yes
Minutemen Revisited 10/26/2017
Thundersticks: Firearms and the Violent Transformation of Native America 10/12/2017
Good, Fast, Cheap: Printed Words and Images in America before 1900 10/06/2017
Industrializing Massachusetts: Lowell, Springfield, and Worcester, 1800-1875 9/01/2017
Other Languages, Other Americas 7/09/2017
In Black and White: Race and American Visual Culture 6/09/2017
Bringing Pictures Back: Illustration for Nineteenth-Century American Literature 5/18/2017 Yes
Slave Resistance and the Making of Abolition 5/02/2017 Yes
Equal Rights May Be Self-Evident, But Have They Been Realized? 4/11/2017 Yes
The Matter of Black Lives: Writing the Biography of Frederick Douglass and His Family 3/16/2017 Yes
Did Nat Turner 'confess' 11/15/2016 Yes
'The Bank of Industry’: Rewards of Merit and the ‘Emotional Capitalism’ of Nineteenth-Century Schoolroom Ephemera 11/03/2016 Yes