Watch Past Programs & Events

Many AAS public programs presented over the past decade are available via YouTube. Select the title for any program listed as having video and the YouTube link will be accessible on that page.


Event Title Date Sort ascending Video
The News Media and the Making of America, 1730-1800 7/26/2021
Rescued from Oblivion 7/13/2021 Yes
Thirteen Clocks: How Race Made America Independent 6/29/2021 Yes
The Only Wonderful Things: The Creative Partnership of Willa Cather & Edith Lewis 6/24/2021 Yes
Historically Hers: Revisiting American Girl Doll Stories through the AAS Collections 6/17/2021
Slave Rebellions in the Atlantic World 6/15/2021 Yes
Boneyarn: A Poetry Reading and Discussion about Slavery in New York City 6/10/2021
The Teaching Archive: A New History for Literary Study 5/27/2021 Yes
Textual Editing and the Future of Scholarly Editions (Panel 4) 5/26/2021 Yes
Textual Editing and the Future of Scholarly Editions (Panel 3) 5/26/2021 Yes
Textual Editing and the Future of Scholarly Editions (Panel 2) 5/25/2021 Yes
Textual Editing and the Future of Scholarly Editions: A Conference on the Bicentennial of James Fenimore Cooper's The Spy 5/25/2021 Yes
How Baseball Happened: A Conversation with Thomas Gilbert 5/06/2021 Yes
From Slave Cabins to the White House: Homemade Citizenship in African American Culture 4/29/2021 Yes
Making Marbling: A Beginner's Guide to the History and Practice of the Art 4/21/2021
Writing Across the Color Line: U.S. Print Culture and the Rise of Ethnic Literature, 1877-1920 3/25/2021 Yes
Rethinking Reconstruction: A Conversation with Manisha Sinha 3/16/2021 Yes
Dark Archives: A Librarian’s Investigation into the Science and History of Books Bound in Human Skin 2/25/2021 Yes
Mount Vernon’s African American Community in Slavery and Freedom 2/15/2021 Yes
Good Wishes for the Children Rediscovered: Hans Christian Andersen and the Launch of Sarah Gooll Putnam’s Artistic Career 2/04/2021 Yes