American Literature

Textual Editing and the Future of Scholarly Editions (Panel 4)

Textual Editing and the Future of Scholarly Editions: A Conference on the Bicentennial of James Fenimore Cooper's The Spy

Panel 4 - "Textual Editing and the Future of Digital Editions"


Chair and Keynote:

Recovering the Lost Years of John Peters and Phillis Wheatley Peters

Though the early years of Phillis Wheatley’s life are well-established, the details of her life after she became Phillis Peters upon her marriage to John Peters, a free Black shopkeeper in Boston, have been more difficult to discern. In this conversation, Henry Louis Gates Jr. will discuss with Cornelia Dayton her groundbreaking article, recently published in the New England Quarterly, which uses a cache of Essex County legal papers to shed light on this period of Wheatley Peters’s life.

Dickinson Unbound: Paper, Process, Poetics
Oracles of Empire: Poetry, Politics, and Commerce in British America, 1690-1750
Money, Language, and Thought: Literary and Philosophic Economies from the Medieval to the Modern Era
Moral Enterprise: Literature and Education in Antebellum America
Writing the Seaman's Tale in Law and Literature: Dana, Melville, and Justice Story
Ethnology and Empire: Languages, Literature, and the Making of the North American Borderlands
Slantwise Moves: Games, Literature, and Social Invention in Nineteenth-Century America
Narrating Discovery: The Romantic Explorer in American Literature, 1790-1855