
The Sewing Girl's Tale: A Story of Crime and Consequences in Revolutionary America

On a moonless night in the summer of 1793 a crime in the back room of a New York brothel transformed Lanah Sawyer’s life. It was the kind of crime that even victims usually kept secret. Instead, the seventeen-year-old seamstress did what virtually no one else dared to do: she charged a gentleman with rape. The trial rocked the city and nearly cost Lanah her life. And that was just the start.

Prints of a New Kind: Political Caricature in the United States, 1789–1828

In Prints of a New Kind, Dr. Allison M. Stagg details the political strategies and scandals that inspired the first generation of American caricaturists in the country’s transformative early years between 1789 and 1828. She examines the caricatures that mocked politicians and events reported in newspapers, the reactions captured in personal papers of the politicians being satirized, and the lives of the artists who satirized them.