Digital Collections

American Children's Books

Over than 6,400 works for children, 1654-1819, featuring text exploration tools, author biographies, and suggested search paths for easy browsing and discovery.


The Acquisitions Table

A thriving acquisitions program allows the American Antiquarian Society curators to actively add material through gift and purchase. New acquisitions are periodically highlighted in the "The Acquisitions Table" section of Past Is Present, the AAS Blog. 


Early Caribbean Digital Archive


The Early Caribbean Digital Archive is an open access collection of pre-twentieth-century Caribbean texts, maps, and images. Texts include travel narratives, novels, poetry, natural histories, and diaries that have not been brought together before as a single collection focused on the Caribbean.

A Boy's Education Among the Reformers

The Journals of Edmund Quincy Sewall Jr., 1837-1840

Thoreau scholars have long been aware of the journal kept in Concord, Massachusetts during a period of seven weeks in 1840 when twelve-year-old Edmund Quincy Junior was attending John and Henry David Thoreau’s Concord Academy and boarding in the Thoreau household.

Digital Library of the Caribbean

The Digital Library of the Caribbean is a multi-institutional, international digital library. It contains over 4 million pages of newspapers, maps, photographs, and more. AAS has contributed to this digital library.


Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society

Digital collection of the Proceedings is available for new series volumes 1 (December 1880) through 118 (October 2008). This journal has been a source for AAS members' obituaries, articles, bibliographies, and tools for scholarship within the general area of American history and culture through 1876. The Proceedings ceased publication with volume 118, part 2, dated October 2008.


American Revolutionary Geographies Online

American Revolutionary Geographies Online is a new project led by the Leventhal Map and Education Center at the Boston Public Library and the George Washington Presidential Library at Mount Vernon. Leveraging new technology and the recent drive by many museums, libraries, and archives to digitize their collections, the portal collates digitized maps of North America made between 1750 and 1800 into a single user-friendly portal.

Evans Early American Imprint Collection

5,000 fully searchable SGML/XML text editions from among the 40,000 titles available in the online Evans Early American Imprints which is based on Charles Evans' comprehensive American Bibliography.


American Vernacular Music Manuscripts, ca. 1730-1910

This is a collaborative project between the Center for Popular Music and the American Antiquarian Society to inventory, catalog, digitize, and provide web-based public access to their extensive music manuscripts collections. It concerns manuscripts inscribed before 1910 that are mainly American in provenance, with contents that are preponderantly vernacular in style. The digital collection includes 345 music manuscripts and is available on the Internet Archive.

New England's Hidden Histories: Colonial-Era Church Records

A digital project of the Congregational Library & Archives that digitizes and provides access to early New England Congregational church records from approximately 1620 to 1850 including letters, sermons, diaries, conversion narratives, church disciplinary cases, and account books.
