Divisible Under God: American Religion, Politics, and the Idea of Secession, 1783-1833
Choosing Freedom, Risking Slavery: African Americans, Antislavery Advocates, and the Courts in Massachusetts, 1830-1860
Slow Poison: French Contraband in the Early Modern Atlantic Economy, 1660-1800
Colonial Shipwrights and their World: Men, Women, and Markets in Early New England
Toquevillian Moments: Transatlantic Visions of an American Republican Culture
Writing the Evangelical Subject: Religious Periodicals and Biographies in New York City, 1830-1860
Domesticating the Nation: American Literature, Exceptionalism, and the Science of Cultivation
Shylock on Wall Street: Market Passion and the Capitalist Jew in Antebellum Sensationalism
Seed Money: The Economies of Horticulture in 19th-Century America
In the House of God: Cotton Mather and the Making of Puritan Slavery