The Land of the Unfree: Africans, Indians, and the Varieties of Slavery and Servitude in Colonial New England and the Atlantic World
Pacific Sensations: The Beginnings of American Orientalism in Nineteenth-Century U.S. Popular Culture
Circulating Counterfeits: Making Money and Its Meanings in the Eighteenth-Century British Atlantic
The National Road and the Expansion of American Culture, 1811-1850
Constituent Characters
Popular Depictions of the 'Natural' Body of the Union Soldier
Idolatrous Processions: The Production of Peoples and Places in the Atlantic World
Freight and the Commercial Landscapes of the Atlantic World, 1650-1860
Tuberculosis and Popular Culture in New England, 1820-1840
'Worth of a Happier Domestic Fate': Domesticity as the Property of White Women