Barbados’s Plantation History at the Intersection of Slavery and Ecocide
Affect and Identity in Nineteenth-Century Valentines
'Features of Cruelty Which Could Not Well Be Described by the Pen': The Media of Atrocity in Harper’s Weekly, 1862-1866
Indians in their Proper Place: Social Sciences and the Mapping of Native America
National Acts: Performance, Commemoration, and the Construction of National Identity in the Aftermath of the Civil War
’At Home in My Master’s House’: Household, Labor, and Authority in Early New England
Fabricating Clothing and Myth in the American Gilded Age
Beyond Bloomers: Fashioning Change Nineteenth-Century Dress
Converts, Creoles, Renegades: Dynamics of (Dis)ambiguation in Early North American Literature
Inventory of American Sacred Music Imprints and Manuscripts through 1820