An Uneasy Alliance: Cooperation and Conflict in Nineteenth-Century Black and White Women's Activism
Writing the Other America: Democracy, Race, and Print Culture in the Americas, 1830-1898
American Timelines: Imperial Communications, Colonial Time-Consciousness, and the Coming of the American Revolution
Animals and Becoming Human(e) in Nineteenth-Century American Children's Literature
White Allies in Revolutionary Massachusetts?: The Antislavery Commitments of Isaiah Thomas and Ezekiel Russell
Haitian Revolution Refugees and Legal Cultures of Slavery and Freedom in the Atlantic World, 1791-1860
The Washington Doctrine, A Continental History, 1800-1920
Signifying Against Anti-Blackness: Black Rhetorical Communities in Early America 1760-1830
Mutual Entanglements: Transracial Ties between Haitians and Revolutionary Americans
“Unstable as Water”: Early Black Atlantic Literature and Textual Fluidity