Survey of how Popular Hymns and Other Religious Songs Reflected Views on Political/Social Issues, 1775-1800
Develop a Curriculum Unit on the Life of Catherine Marie Sedgwick for a Secondary American Literature Course
The Evolution of the Chocolate Industry in the New England Area and its Impact on a Developing Society
To Develop a Curriculum Unit Based upon Worcester, 1825-1850
Teaching History and Methods of Research through the Broadside Ballad
The Ethnic 'Other' in Children's Literature
History of New England Tourism
Radio documentary on the history of Thanksgiving
Sockdology: A play about the actors in the play Our American Cousin

I came to the American Antiquarian Society in the Fall of 1995 to research and write a play called Sockdology about the actors who were in Our American Cousin the night Abraham Lincoln was assassinated at Ford’s Theater. I didn’t know quite what to expect when I arrived, what the AAS routines and rhythms would be. Most of the other fellows were engaged in research of a more traditional kind, or at least for more traditional kinds of projects: books, studies, etc.

Book of poems and prose pieces on America Vesspucci