Kate B. and Hall J. Peterson Fellowship

Kate B. and Hall J. Peterson Fellowships are for research on any topic supported by the collections. Stipends derive from the income on an endowment provided by the late Hall J. Peterson and his wife, Kate B. Peterson. This fellowship is awarded to individuals engaged in scholarly research and writing - - including doctoral dissertations - - in any field of American history and culture through 1876.

Application Deadline


Date Name Affiliation Position
2009-10 Jennifer Wilson CUNY Graduate Center PhD Candidate Performing Frenchness in Nineteenth-Century New York and New Orleans: Francois Boieldieu's 'La Dame Blanche'; Daniel Auber's 'La Muette de Portici'; and Giacomo Meyerbeer's 'Robert le Diable' and 'Les Huguenots'
2009-10 Hélène Quanquin Université Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris Associate Professor 'With feebler voices?' Men and the American Women's Rights Movement, 1830-1890
2009-10 Joseph Bonica Middle Tennessee State University Visiting Assistant Professor Open Secrets: The Cultural Politics of Secrecy and the Formation of the Early American Republic
2009-10 John Huffman Harvard University PhD Candidate Documents of Identity in the Early Republic
2009-10 Jennifer Egloff New York University PhD Candidate Popular Numeracy in Early Modern England and British North America
2008-09 Derrick R. Spires Vanderbilt University PhD Candidate Reimagining a 'Beautiful but Baneful Object': Black Writers' Theories of Citizenship and Nation in the Antebellum U.S.
2008-09 Jane Merritt Old Dominion University Associate Professor The Trouble with Tea: Consumption, Politics, and the Making of a Global Colonial Economy
2008-09 Brian Carroll University of Connecticut PhD Candidate "Military Masculinities in New England: Anglo-American and Native-American Soldiers, 1689-1763."
2008-09 Sari Edelstein Brandeis University PhD Candidate The Novel & the News: Women and the Politics of U.S. Print Culture before 1900.
2008-09 Nicole Eustace New York University Assistant Professor War Ardor: Sex and Sentiment in the War of 1812