Kate B. and Hall J. Peterson Fellowship

Kate B. and Hall J. Peterson Fellowships are for research on any topic supported by the collections. Stipends derive from the income on an endowment provided by the late Hall J. Peterson and his wife, Kate B. Peterson. This fellowship is awarded to individuals engaged in scholarly research and writing - - including doctoral dissertations - - in any field of American history and culture through 1876.

Application Deadline


Date Name Affiliation Position
2002-03 Reiner Smolinski Georgia State University Associate Professor Authority & Interpretation: Cotton Mather's 'Biblia Americana'
2002-03 Michael Vorenberg Brown University Assistant Professor Reconstructing the People: The Invention of Citizenship During the American Civil War
2002-03 Thomas Coens Harvard University PhD Candidate The Formation of the Jackson Party, 1822 - 1829
2002-03 Sargent Bush Jr. University of Wisconsin, Madison Professor The Type of the Good Hearer in Puritan Theory and Practice
2001-02 Karen O'Brien Northwestern University PhD Candidate Making the Personal Political: Religion, Obligation and Identity in the American Revolution
2001-02 Robert F. Forrant University of Massachusetts, Lowell Associate Professor Manufacturer to Industrial America: Worcester-area Machine Tool Firms and Skill, 1830-1875
2001-02 New York University PhD Candidate The Alchemists: Counterfeiters and Counterfeiting in Antebellum America
2001-02 Anne Baker Reed College Visiting Assistant Professor of English Geography, National Form, and the American Renniassance
2001-02 Scott E. Gac New York University PhD Candidate The Hutchinson Family Singers and the Culture of Antebellum Reform
2001-02 Lisa Brooks Cornell University PhD Candidate Recovering the Voices of Our Ancestors