Kate B. and Hall J. Peterson Fellowship

Kate B. and Hall J. Peterson Fellowships are for research on any topic supported by the collections. Stipends derive from the income on an endowment provided by the late Hall J. Peterson and his wife, Kate B. Peterson. This fellowship is awarded to individuals engaged in scholarly research and writing - - including doctoral dissertations - - in any field of American history and culture through 1876.

Application Deadline


Date Name Affiliation Position
1990-91 Shane White University of Sydney Lecturer Black Festivals in the United States, 1750-1860
1990-91 Mary C. Kelley Dartmouth College Professor Achieving Authority: Women in Public in Early America
1990-91 Carolyn J. Lawes University of California, Davis Associate Instructor The Second Great Awakening and the Development of Commercial Capitalism in Worcester, Massachusetts, 1820-48
1989-90 Franciszek Lyra Maria Curie-Sklodowska University Senior Lecturer Revising the Canon of the First Two Centuries of American Literature
1989-90 Robert Friedel University of Maryland Associate Professor Documenting Changes in Household Materials, 1800-87
1989-90 Mason I. Lowance Jr. University of Massachusetts, Amherst Professor Uncle Tom's Cabin and the New England Sermon Tradition
1989-90 Philip F. Gura University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill William S. Newman Distinguished Professor The Reverend Nathan Fiske and the Cultural Transformation of Central Massachusetts
1989-90 Michael B. Winship University of Texas, Austin Editor Publishers Trade Sales in the Nineteeth Century United States
1989-90 David Zonderman Assistant Professor of History Uneasy Allies: Working Class Activists and Middle Class Reformersin Nineteenth-Century Boston and New York
1988-89 Janet Brodie California State Polytechnic University Lecturer Women and Freethought in the US, 1820-60