Kate B. and Hall J. Peterson Fellowship

Kate B. and Hall J. Peterson Fellowships are for research on any topic supported by the collections. Stipends derive from the income on an endowment provided by the late Hall J. Peterson and his wife, Kate B. Peterson. This fellowship is awarded to individuals engaged in scholarly research and writing - - including doctoral dissertations - - in any field of American history and culture through 1876.

Application Deadline


Date Name Affiliation Position
1988-89 Burton Bledstein University of Illinois, Chicago Associate Professor A Language Event: The Middle Classes in American History, 1828-19
1988-89 John Wolffe York College Lecturer Aspects of Anti Catholicism in the United States, 1830-60
1988-89 Ohio State University Assistant Professor Sectarianism in Colonial Massachusetts
1988-89 Karen Hansen University of California, Berkeley PhD Candidate The Social Dimension of Laborers' Lives, 1810-60
1988-89 Rosalind Remer University of California, Los Angeles PhD Candidate Philadelphia Publishers in the New Republic
1988-89 Lydia Schurman Northern Virginia Community College Professor Publishers, Publications, and Purveyors: The Dime Novel Publishing World, 1860-15
1988-89 Joseph S. Wood George Mason University Associate Professor The Literary Origins of New England Village Symobolism
1987-88 Bradley Dean University of Connecticut PhD Candidate Thoreau as Lecturer
1987-88 Wendy Greenhouse Yale University PhD Candidate Tudors and Stuarts in Antebellum America
1987-88 Paula Backscheider University of Rochester Associate Professor A Biography of Daniel Defoe