Watch Past Programs & Events

Many AAS public programs presented over the past decade are available via YouTube. Select the title for any program listed as having video and the YouTube link will be accessible on that page.


Event Title Date Sort ascending Video
Imagining the Civil War: Race, Gender and the Popular Culture, 1860-1877 9/01/2003
Reading and Everyday Life: Books, Texts, Histories 6/15/2003
Could the British Have Won the American War of Independence? 4/22/2003 Yes
Prophets, Publics, and Publication: A History of the Book from One Cultural Margin 9/27/2002
Private Writings: Their Uses and Value for History and Literature 9/01/2002
Books in American Lives, 1830-1890 6/09/2002
Faith and Boundaries: Colonists, Christianity, and Community among the Wampanoag Indians of Martha's Vineyard, 1600-1871 5/14/2002 Yes
The First American Revolution 4/10/2002 Yes
Prophets, Publics, and Publication: A History of the Book from One Cultural Margin 11/14/2001
Crime, Punishment, and Popular Culture in Early America, 1674-1860 9/01/2001
Using Graphic Arts as Primary Sources 6/03/2001
Epochal Change: Economics and Print Culture 11/03/2000
Romanticism Confronts History: Literary and Material Culture in the United States, 1820-1876 9/01/2000
Teaching the History of the Book 6/01/2000
"The Greatest Book of Its Kind": A Publishing History of Uncle Tom's Cabin 9/24/1999
The Shaping of Historical Memory: Collecting the Artifacts of America's Past, 1790-1840 9/01/1999
Telling Lives, Telling Lies?: Biography, Autobiography, and Personal Narrative 6/06/1999
Reading for the Enslaved, Writing for the Free: Reflections on Liberty and Literacy 11/06/1998
Seeing America First: Exploration and Imagination in North America, 1500-1900 9/01/1998
Readers, Writers, and the Book Trades in Early America 6/01/1998