Currency of Words: Finance and Literary Imagination in Early America
The Religious Roots of Mass Media in America, 1800-1860
Tolerable Entertainment: Herman Melville, the Literary Profession, and the Cultural Life of Antebellum New York
Scandalous Aesthetics: Masculine Emotion and the Birth of the Public Sphere in Antebellum America
Imperfect Title: Nineteenth-Century American Women Authors and Literary Property
Goethe's Translators, Critics, and Readers in Nineteenth-Century New England
Islamic Orientalism in Nineteenth-Century America
'Brothers in Divorce': Quakers' Attitudes toward Sectarian Religious Groups of Early America in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries
Pest Control Strategies and Their Social Implications in the Chesapeake Area, 1600-1800
The World of an Anglo-Jamaican Planter in the Eighteenth Century