Watch Past Programs & Events

Many AAS public programs presented over the past decade are available via YouTube. Select the title for any program listed as having video and the YouTube link will be accessible on that page.


Event Title Date Sort ascending Video
Grant: A Biography 10/18/2007
Captive Histories: Puritan Captivity Narratives and Native Stories from the Era of the Colonial Wars, 1675-1760 9/01/2007
Financing America's First Literary Boom 6/21/2007
Re-Reading the Early Republic: From Crevecoeur to Cooper 6/18/2007
Righteous Empire: The Protestant Experience in America 10/18/2006
Personal Narratives from the Age of the American Revolution, Or Ordinary Lives in Extraordinary Times 9/01/2006
We Declare You Independent Whether You Wish It or Not: The Print Culture of Early Filibusterism 6/16/2006
Books and Their Readers to 1800 and Beyond 6/12/2006
Been in the Storm So Long: The Aftermath of Slavery 10/20/2005
Childhoods Actual and Imagined: New England, 1790-1860 9/01/2005
Publishing God: Printing, Preaching, and Reading in Eighteenth-Century America 6/12/2005
The Emerging Media of Early America 6/10/2005
Magnalia Historiae Libri Americana; or, How the American Antiquarian Society Brought the History of the Book into the New Millennium 11/19/2004
The Ordeal of Thomas Hutchinson 10/22/2004 Yes
Communication in the Early Nation: Literacy and Print in America, 1750-1840 9/01/2004
Enriching American Studies Scholarship through the History of the Book 6/20/2004
Re-imagining the Salem Witch Trials: A Poetry Reading and Discussion 5/20/2004 Yes
A New England Tragedy: The Life and Death of Hiram Harwood 3/23/2004 Yes
When Hype Becomes History: Adah Isaacs Menken and the Virtue of an Ambiguous Past 12/02/2003 Yes
Ornithology and Enterprise: Making and Marketing John James Audubon's The Birds of America 11/06/2003