Reese Fellowship

The Reese Fellowship supports research in American bibliography and projects in the history of the book in America. Funding for this award is provided by the William Reese Company, New Haven, Connecticut.

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Date Name Affiliation Position
2024-25 Jeremy L. McLaughlin University of Wisconsin, Madison PhD Candidate in the School of Information A Most Familiar Form(e): Textual and Visual Knowledge Transmission in the Cultural Astronomy of Colonial North America
2024-25 Amy Gore North Dakota State University Assistant Professor of English Bodies of Believers
2023-24 Shaibal Dev Roy University of Southern California PhD Candidate in English Publishing Americans in Nineteenth-Century India
2023-24 Alice Martin Rutgers University PhD Candidate in English Playing with Scripted Intimacy: The Uptake of American Autograph Albums, 1820-1860
2022-23 Theodore Delwiche Yale University PhD Candidate in History The Contested Classics
2022-23 Sonia Di Loreto Universita di Torino Associate Professor of Foreign Languages and Literature Cristina di Belgiojoso and the New York Daily Tribune: Asia Minor and Cosmopolitan Utopianism in American Periodical Publications, 1840-1860
2020-21 Daniel Diez Couch United States Air Force Academy Assistant Professor of English American Fragments: The Political Aesthetic of Literary Ruins in the Early Republic
2020-21 John Bidwell The Morgan Library & Museum Astor Curator and Department Head, Printed Books & Bindings The Declaration of Independence: Prints, Broadsides, and Facsimiles
2019-20 Emily Gowen Boston University PhD Candidate in English and American Literature Defoe’s American Readers
2019-20 Patrick Erben University of West Georgia Professor of English The German Pietist Origins of the American Self