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Critical Methods in the History of the Book in the United States
6/01/1992 |
At Home with History: History Books and Women's Sphere Before the Civil War
10/18/1991 |
Slavery and Antislavery in American Civilization, 1820-1861
9/01/1991 |
Iconography and the Culture of the Book
6/14/1991 |
Preparing the Minds of the People: Three Hundred Years of the American Newspaper
11/12/1990 |
Law and Society in America, 1760-1860
9/01/1990 |
The American Renaissance: Critical and Bibliographical Perspectives
6/10/1990 |
Printing, Politics, and the People
10/17/1989 |
Religion in the American Revolution
9/01/1989 |
"Work in Progress" Conference
6/27/1989 |
American History in Image and Text
11/02/1988 |
Health and Health Care in America's Past
9/01/1988 |
The Politics of Reading, Writing, and Publishing in Nineteenth-Century America
6/18/1988 |
Frenchness in the History of the Book: From the History of Publishing to the History of the Book
9/30/1987 |
The Constitution and the Press, 1787-1788: Popular Culture, Political Opinion, and the Ratification Debates
9/01/1987 |
Ideology and Genre: The Rise of the Novel in America
10/29/1986 |
The American Landscape
9/01/1986 |
The American Common Reader: Printing, Entrepreneurship, and Cultural Change, 1759-1840
6/14/1986 |
Upon What Pretext?: The Book and Literary History
11/01/1985 |
Antebellum and Civil War Biography
9/01/1985 |